Class 5th
Multiple choice question
1. find the place value of 6 whose number 6523789
600000 (b) 6000000. © 60000 (d) 6000
2. How many zero one thousand .
(a)3. (b) 4 © 5. (d) 6
3. One hundred lakh is called a …….
crore. (b) 10 crore © 5 crore (d) None of thise
4. An angle that measure between 0° and 90° is called …….
Acute angle (b) Right angle © Zero angle. (d) obtuse angle
5. An angel that measure 180° is called …..
Acute angle (b) Right angle © straight angle. (d) obtuse angle
Fill in the blanks
6. There will be ……..zeros in 1 lakh ( 3/5/6)
7 .The biggest fish is the ………(whale shark/ jelly fish/ cuttle fish)
8. one whale shark was as long as …….m(18/19)20)
9. ½ of a right angle ………(90° / 50°/180°)
10…… called right angle . ( 90°/ 80°/ 100° )
11. When you thing of fishes, what shapes come to your mind.?
12. Try to use a squre and a triangle to draw a fish .?
13. Draw on open and a closed figure with four side ?
14. Draw angle 60° , 90°
15. Go around and write the name of three object in which a right angle is formed?
16.write all factor of 24 and 36 .?
17. How many fifty paise will make one Rupee?
18.write any ten multiple of 5 ?
19. What are the factors of 10 ?
20.Draw a face with ‘fish eyes’ ?
21. look at the numbers below .look for the pattern .Can you take it forward.?
22. Draw the factor tree 36 (any two)
23. Draw on open and a closed figure with three side ?
24.Make 8 triangles using 6 matchsticks.try?
25. Using 10 matchsticks make this shape. Pick up 5 matchsticks and put them in such a way that you get this shape of a house.
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