Class 12th most important question (textbook) mp

             मध्यप्रदेश राज्य शिक्षा केन्द्र भोपाल

                 वार्षिक परीक्षा 2021

                       Class :- 12th

                    यह प्रश्न  वार्षिक परीक्षा  

                    MP BOARD QU .11 

          में आने की पूर्ण संभावना 100% गांरटी 

(1) What was Mini doing in the balcony?

Ans,- Mini sat in her wheelchair in the balcony and Watching the children playing in the park outside.

(2) What disability did Mini have ?
Ans Mini was a spastic child. She could not walk and button up her shirt.

(3) How was the bird fed ?Ans- The bird was fed with an ink - filler.

     (4) Beinga spastic, what could Mini do and what could she not .?Ans:- Mini could not walk,or button up her shirt,but she could crawl and had learnt to use her hand to brush her teeth and use a spoon to eat.

(5) Why do think that Mini named the bird Mitra.?Ans:-The word 'Mitra' means 'a friend "the bird became va lovely friend of Mini so she named it Mitra .
(6) How can we free up time ?Ans:- We can free up time by daily planning

(7) When do we experience inner peace ?Ans:- We experience inner peace when we obey natural laws.

(8) Who is the best judge of self-worth?
Ans:- When we live in accordance with our own values we will find self - worth .In this way we ourselves are the best judge of our self - worth.

(9) What was the topic of discussion at Dabney's.?
Ans:- The topic of discussion at Dabney's was the supernatural.

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(10) What was so peculiar about the face on the wall ?

Ans:- The face on the wall was faithfully and startlingly was exactly like a human face. it was so near to a real face that the man took it as his fellow lodger.

(11) Who was Swami Arvasu?

Ans:-Swami Arvasu was a monk.

(12)What was he doing under the banyan tree ?
Ans-He was sitting under the banyan tree
addressing a group of the faithful.

(13) With what intention did Birju join the sage's discourse ?
Ans:- He joined the discourse as he thought he would be able to pick some pockets.
(14) How did Birju help the women feed her children ?
Ans:- He broke the lock of a grocery store and filled two bags with provisions which he gave to the women .

(15) What happened when Birju went to collect firewood ?
Ans:- When Birju went to collect firewood, at night he found that all the doors and windows of the village houses were closed. He heard a familiar sound coming from a hut.
(16) What did Birju see when he peeped into the hut ?
Ans:- When Birju peeped into the hut he saw two children huddled up in a corner and a women trying to give them am impression that something was being fried .

(17) What miracle did the sage and his followers witness the next morning ?
Ans:-The next morning the sage and his followers saw  a huge bird like creature descending from the sky.

(18) What, according to Brahmadutta, made Birju , the thief, nobler than

swami Arvasu, the sage 7

Ans- According to Brahmadutta, Birju's kind act of helping the poor
woman to feed her children the previous night had made him nobler than

the sage Swami Arvasu.

(19) what does the brain consist of.?
Ans:-  The brain consist of grey and white tissue or gelatinous consistency.

20) How does the brain cope with the amount of information that keeps coming
s ne Drain simply select those that are inmportant and ignores the

does the brain react in emergency situation ?



(22) What does the brain do when carbon dioxide level rises in blood .?

Ans When the carbon dioxide level rises in the blood, the brain steps

up the breathing rate.

(23) What is the most interesting discovery that brain mappers

ve made ?

Ans:- The most interesting discovery that the brain mapper have
made is the discovery of the pleasure centre.
(24) What is blood brain barrier ? How does it work ?
Ans:- Blood brain barrier is a kind of gatekeeper. It allows some
things to go in but stops others to do so.
(25) What made the author feel secure and why ?
Ans:- The purchase of two acres of land made the author teel

secure. He felt secure because now he had his own land and


(26) Who were the first visitors to the farm. ?

Ans:- Birds and butterflies Were the first visitors to the farm.
(27) Write two ways in which the crows irritated the author?
Ans The crows irritated the author by their raucous cawing.
The other thing was that they swooped down on the chicks.

(28) What was the majestic creature that the author
encountered ?
Ans:- The majestic creature that the author encountered was a

(29) Why did the poisoning not stop the tender coconut to fall .2

Ans- The poisoning could not stop the tender coconut to fall
because they were destroyed by the bats and not by the rats,

who were poisoned.
[2/1, 4:02 PM] persingnagpure8085@gmail:
 (30) What was Ghasi's complaint to the Panchayat.?

Ans- Ghasi's complaint was that Kanchhedi had s
stolen his ass.
(31) Where did Ghasi find his ass ?
Ans- Ghasi found his ass tethered at Kanchhedi's


(32) Why did Mohan name his ass " Truck Saab"?
Ans:- Mohan named his ass "Truck Saab " because it
could take a truck load of clothes and run like a motor

(33) In which area will India become a global leader .?
Ans :- India will become a global leader in the service
sector. It will provide excellent service within and
outside of the country.

(34) Make a list of duties suggested by Dr kalam.?

Ans:-The civic duties suggested by Dr. Kalam are as

) Keep your surrounding clean .
(ii) Plant trees.
(i) Help underprivileged children
(iv) Keep your school campus Clean.

(35) How has Singapore become one of the cleanest
cities in the world ?

Ans:- Singapore became one of the cleanest cities of
the world due to programmes started by the government
and willingly assisted by the citizens
(36) What are the impediments in India's development ?
Ans:- Pervasive corruption, mindless bureaucracy
and greedy politicians are the impediments in India's delvopment
(37) What did the author mean by safe remark ?
Ans:-The author remarked that she had an interesting face and said it be 'a safe remark, because this remark he thinks cannot provoke a lady and a bit dignified.

(38) why did the passenger not notice the girl's hair .?
Ans:- The new passenger did not notice the girl's hair because he noticed her eyes that were so beautiful but of no use to her as she was completely blindd.

39) What difference between a real book and a telebook did Dommy point out.?
Ans- The difference between a telebook and a real book is that you can just throw it away after reading it but a telebook contains a million books and you would not throw it.

(40) Describe the country inspector.?
Ans- The country inspector was a round little man with red face and whole box of tools with dials and wires.

(41) What is the author's nationality ?
Ans- She is an American.

(42) Describe the people of Kashmir .?
Ans:- The people of Kashmir are fair people. The colour of their skin is lovely cream and they have the features as
classic as Greek. The women of Kashmir are Auburn haired blue eyed and are very beautiful.

(43) Which are the two groups that the author is interested in .?
Ans:- The author is interested in the groups of young Urban intellectuals and rural peasants. 

(44) What were the author's comments on the custom of eating with right hand .?
Ans- Her comments were, 'What is so clean as one's own right hand washed' for eating food.

45) Why does the author choose this occasion to
advise his son ?
Ans- The author chooses this occasion because he was not well and he was not sure that he would be with his son for a long time.

(46) What happens if we prejudge people and future events?
Ans:-If we prejudge people and future events we create unwanted enemies and hardships.

(47) What is the best way to disarm hostility.?
Ans The best way to disarm hostility is to avoid the faults that you see in others.

48) What is the man difference between playmates & schoolmates ?

Ans- Playmates can be of different age and

different qualification but school mates are of
almost same age and with same qualification. They
are equals

(49) What should we never despise anyone for .?
Ans:- We should never despise anyone for anything
that one cannot help.

(50) When do we experience inner peace?
Ans:- We experience inner peace when we obey natural laws.

(51) What are comfort zones ?
Ans:-Comfort zones are situations in which one feels comfortable.

(52) How can we free up time.?

Ans:- We can free up time by daily planning.


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राजनीतिक पेपर पैटर्न कक्षा - 12th MP BOARD

विज्ञान 9th अध्याय 1 हमारे आस-पास के पदार्थ solution ncert class9th (हिन्दी माध्यम)